The defense industry continues to drive innovation and growth of RF electronics. An RF antenna is a lot more complex and unique than what it appears […]
As the world of technology expands, human capability also increases exponentially. With the ability to communicate quickly and the ability to transmit information and images over […]
If you’re in need of an antenna for a commercial or military application, one important decision you’ll need to make is whether you’ll use an off-the-shelf antenna or […]
Saying that the sheer widespread use of antennas in our daily lives is underestimated would be the understatement of the century. With the global military antenna […]
Did you know that the waveguide antenna technology has been applied to different spaceborne missions like Sentinel-1, ERS-1/2, Radarsat-1, and SIR-X? This technology is lauded for […]
A communication system is a system that transfers data between equipment and persons. A microwave antenna is defined as a device for physical transmission and is […]
Some modern-day antennas were created through evolution. This isn’t news for most of the world. That’s because antenna design keeps changing, becoming the key topic for any […]
Are your complex assemblies too costly in both time and expense, leading to delays in production and unhappy customers? Dip brazing drastically shortens assembly time on […]